Michael Mentele


Constructors Are Nothing Special


In other languages like Ruby, or Python we have classes. In JavaScript we have constructor functions. Constructors make lazy, bossy, children objects.

A normal function definition in JS looks like:

    function myFunction() {}; // Semicolon optional ;)

A constructor looks like:

    function MyFunction() {}; // Capitalized by convention

What’s the difference? Nothing!

Okay, cheap trick, I know. All functions are technically ‘constructor functions.’ The magic is in the implementation. Let’s do another comparison, shall we?

A normal function will do some operation and return a value, mutate some object, or display something. We’ll opt for the latter:

    function myDancingFunction() {
    // Waltzing...

Now, in contrast, a constructor function returns a new object:

    function Dancer() {
        this.firstName = "Magic"
        this.lastName = "Mike"
        this.dance = function () {
            console.log("Dirty Dancing...")
        // implicitly returns an object unless
        // you specify an explicit return

    var chippendale = new Dancer() // calling the constructor...

How does it know to return an object? The new keyword does some magic and basically calls the constructor with the context of an empty object to serve as what this refers to.

Calling Dancer() with new is like passing in an object and modifying it like so:

    function OtherDancer(ourNewObject) {
        ourNewObject.firstName = "Magic"
        ourNewObject.lastName = "Mike"
        ourNewObject.dance = function() {
            console.log("Other Dirty Dancing")

        return ourNewObject

    var chippendale = OtherDancer({})
    // chippendale is: {firstName: "Magic", lastName: "Mike"}

So, we don’t really need the new keyword at all, it’s just a convenience method… right? Not quite. There are a few other thing the new keyword does for us.

It also sets the __proto__ property of our new object to the prototype object that every function holds a reference of.

For a quick conceptual introduction (using a Star Wars analogy) of prototypes and their role in behavior delegation click HERE

Constructors and Their Prototypes

Why do we care about the __proto__ property?

Inheritance and defining types. Only, it’s not really inheritance at all–its behavior delegation (which is one of the reasons javascript is so amazing). For more on this click the link above.

So, what if we want our dancers to get a little more classy? First, let’s fix our constructor so we can pass in arguments:

    function Dancer(firstName, lastName) {
        this.firstName = firstName
        this.lastName = lastName
        //same dance method...

Now, we want to create other types of dancers that reuse the above from dancer. We do that like:

    function Dancer(firstName, lastName) {  ...  }

    function NiceDancer(){
        this.classyDancing = console.log("Waltzing...")
    NiceDancer.prototype = new Dancer()

Now, our NiceDancer has a prototype object that is the object literal returned by new Dancer(). If we make a call like:

// prints: Dirty Dancing...
// prints: Waltzing...

Notice we have access to that method, and all other methods, defined on our prototype from our NiceDancer. In classical inheritance methods are copied down to ‘children.’ In delegation, objects delegate to their ‘parents’ and search through their parents methods when a method is called–if the method doesn’t exist on themselves.

Note: We could have also put the dancing method on the Dancer prototype like: Dancer.prototype.dance = function dance() {}, but the prototype of Dancer is the global object, and the global object shouldn’t be able to dance!

So, a prototype is an object, linked to a constructor, so the constructor knows to pass that link to objects that it creates. It does this by setting the __proto__ property on new objects to reference the prototype.


A constructor is kind of like a recruiter, when you get hired she takes you (some roleless person) and says ‘hey, you are now a software engineer and this guy is your boss.’

The difference in Javascript is that a constructor ‘hires’ new objects and says ‘hey, this other object (the boss from before) is your slave, give it as many commands as you want and offload all your work onto it.’ Which, is a brutal, but refreshing model. So, you could say that new objects are lazy because they offload work to prototype (parent) objects in a kind of reverse pyramid scheme.

In essence, JavaScript is a bossy language full of lazy children.

Yup. That pretty much sums it up.