Ideal Futures and Taking the Limit

Ideal Futures and Taking the Limit

In mathematics there is a technique of taking the limits of functions to describe asymptotic behavior. I always found this a useful analogy for learning because looking at the ends of something, tells you about the trajectories of traveling there. So, take a moment to ponder the long-term consequences of your actions. What is the ideal future? What steps cover the most ground in that direction?

This empowers you to draw a line from the future to your present choices. Instead of taking just any first step, you aim for an optimal one. The farther your time horizon, the more pronounced this compounding effect becomes. We all intuitively grasp this concept; it's what we often refer to as being a "visionary." Visionaries connect the dots from the future to the present and act accordingly.

This is the super power of purpose by the way — compounding over long time periods. So, I encourage you to adopt this visionary thinking in your life. It doesn't have to be on a civilization-wide scale; it can be as simple as applying it to your own personal goals and aspirations and asking the question: what is my ideal future for X and what steps will take me in that direction?