
Questions for Startup Founders


You can’t fail until you quit (or die). The number one reason startups fail is because founders quit. Temper your conviction.


  • Why be a founder? What do you want?
  • Imagine you are successful with venture X, what then?
  • How will your next 30,000 days play out broadly?


  • What is your mission?
  • Why this market? Why this startup? Why you? Is your idea good? Why? Watch
  • What is your exit plan? IPO? Quick sale? Something else?
  • Are you a true VC type startup or an SMB?


  • What is your immediate objective?
  • What key results matter?
  • What experiments are you running? How will you measure?
  • What’s your biggest obstacle?
  • Have you done a pre-mortem on how you will fail and flail around?


  • What are your key activities? For distribution/growth? For product?
  • How much do you need for ramen money i.e. be full time indefinitely?
  • What is your customer segment? Who are you targeting? Are you B2B? D2C? Can you describe your guess of your archetype in great detail, like your best friend?
  • Where will you find them?
  • How will you recruit your first customer? The first 10?
  • Are you pre-sale or post sale? What’s your sales script outline? Read