Michael Mentele


April 2023 Update


We’ve closed the round at LeftLane. Thanks for the interest and apologies for the head fake! I wish we could have gotten friends and family in but our investors were greedy. I’ll let y’all know when the next opportunity comes along.

I’ll be sharing month over month growth and regular metrics soon. For now, we are actually focused on MVPv2. I can’t wait to get into full growth mode and hire a sales team this summer/fall.

The primary reason I am running this business is to learn systematically. I’ve learned a lot. I was over prepared in some ways. I have a reference, book, or approach in my head for most every situation we run into so I’ve gotten minimal value from the venture studio support. The primary value of the studio has been access to other founders who I mostly find myself advising or running slack groups on a topic. I have a few channels I started with 200+ founders in them.

I find myself a bit disappointed, I haven’t met anyone quite as obsessed as me. Tom Preston seemed most similar.

I will have some major news I will be sharing in the next couple months so stay tuned.



  • biological age: current 63rd percentile vs. target 90th percentile. I look 30 epigenetically but am 33 by years. This is an improvement from prior measurement but I was top 1% a few years ago (24/30) while I was doing p90X. Startup life hasn’t been great for my health. It seems the stories about giving grey hairs to people isn’t far off the mark! I’m looking forward to testing again later this year – I expect to be retaking much ground.
  • body fat: current 22.5% vs. target 12% – aiming for 7/1 to just get back into a steady state but would be satisfied with any solid downtrend
  • sleep score: 92/100 vs target 99 – measured by my eightsleep bed (up from 87 last 6 mo.)

What I’m Doing

Bri and I wake up every day at 0700 and go do our workout in our home gym. I finally feel it is feature complete.

I’ve gotten back into gymnastics and have rings and mats in the gym using Overcoming Gravity by Steven Low. I’m level 4 across the board on the standard progressions https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19l4tVfdTJLheLMwZBYqcw1oeEBPRh8mxngqrCz2YnVg/edit#gid=2032740838 with the exception of pulling which is a bit weaker.

On the diet front we’ve been (mostly) eating pre-made meals from Trifecta.

Bri and I both find ourselves loving the full over the ear sleep masks – that gave me a few ticks on my sleep score and onset has gone way down.


I loved my custom zero-g setup so much I went whole ham and bought a professionally built setup – it’s coming this month.

See https://altwork.com/


For April: